moose are becoming very sluggish with
the cold. In fact their metabolisms slow in the winter due to the lack of food. Often times in the winter when the snow flies, you will find them using the roadways to do their walking. It is less energy for them to expel on the road since the roads are kept plowed, as opposed to trekking through the snow. The challenge is that they....although sluggish...tend to make sudden 'lane changes without signaling' if you know what I mean?! So you have to really slow down and be wary of them while you pass. Then we here about those foggy days when they stand in the middle of the road...... Oh, it may make for an interesting winter! They are peaceful, majestic creatures, and when they stare at you it could well make one soil ones self due to their stoic immensity....but they aint the sharpest tool in the tool shed when it comes down to it! Just never thought I would see the day I would share the road with a moose! I leave you with one for the road.
This is a shot from the Gulf Cross Ferry 'Kennicott' of the sun setting over the Gulf of Alaska at 1:00AM back in June. Maryann and John took this one during their 'fateful trip...aboard that rock'in ship' of the final leg of the move. You remember the one. Where I was laid up in a cush hotel watching tv, while they went through a seafaring nightmare ?! That one. Not sure if we ever posted this pic, but I find it quite beautiful, especially when you think of the emotions running through us all back then, and what it all signified. One more thing before I check in for the night. Scott and Phyllis, congratulations! What you two have just done is huge. As scary as it was/is, it is obvious that it was meant to be, or the good lord wouldn't have put you in such a wonderful place. You two have enjoyed Dorrington for years now as your place of respite and escape, and now you can call it home. Once living there ourselves, I can truly say what a beautiful place for you to live now. Let go of your fears and inhibitions now, and lavish in the world that God has put before you. The opportunities you will discover and the peace that is yours to enjoy is what you have to look to now. Don't look back on what was....look unto what is now. It is amazing to me how many friends as well as ourselves have taken or are taking such huge, and faith filled jumps of major change in their lives. My sister Julz has just made a similar adjustment in her life, and we are very proud of her and her accomplishment. The bravery and courage it takes to step out into the unknown and leave behind your cushion of comfort is a huge thing. It is amazing! But after experiencing what we have just recently, and seeing our friends prepare for similar experiences of change, I have to say....and this means you too Yvette.....just let it happen, and cherish every moment of the experience. Your fear and insecurity, or unsureness will want to take the front stage, I think this is natural. But relish the moments of this change, because you will look back on it all some day, maybe not far from now, and wonder what all of the worry was for. In a weird way you will wish that you had just let go and watched it all happen before you. I have always believed that if it's Gods will, than thy will be done. Interesting. Maryann just walked in from work....say, "hi Maryann".....and handed me this little bit of inspiration. Ironically the timing of such is impeccable. It goes like this, "Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results!" Wow. Have a great day, live today to it's fullest, and walk with the confidence that change is healthy. Change happens for a reason! Go with it, and enjoy.
1 comment:
oh yes...oh yes...
am really likin' "stoic immensity"...must pay it my highest compliment and say, i wish i had written that...if i was still writting i might have to steal it...
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