Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bless you fallen solider.

We have found ourselves in the midst of rainy daze!  It seems like most of June and so far July has been either rainy or just cloudy.  There have been a few sunny days and lord knows we have basked in the rays whenever we have had the chance.  The good thing is the fauna and the flowers have received their fair share of regular watering....and we have as well.  But when I listen to the news and hear that the Eastern seaboard is sweltering, all of a sudden 60 degrees with a chance of rain seems divine!  But this is not why I am writing this post tonight.

Tomorrow is July 8th.  To some this means nothing, still to others this means 4 days after the 4th of July.  To me this means the sixth year of a void in my life.  The sixth year that my life and the lives of all of my family have been adversely affected by the sudden and tragic loss of my young cousin, TJ, William River Emanuel.
Click here to find out more!

William River Emanuel IV

William River Emanuel IV, 19

I will take this opportunity to just not say a whole lot.  What words can describe the feelings and emotions that my family....the families of so many others.... have dealt with and had to endure these 6 six lost years.  I am proud of him and what he did to secure the freedoms of complete strangers.   His ultimate sacrifice to help guarantee our freedoms, you and I, would live on....a concept that I fear so many people have let slide, and even more importantly we must never forget.  Most especially in a time when those very freedoms are being jeopardized by such carelessness that these present times are witness to.

I included some links and my only hope is that you will take a moment to honor TJ, and maybe learn just a little bit, about the young man, my cousin, who died for such an honorable cause.  Freedom!

God bless you 'T', we love and miss you so much!  God bless America.
Click here to find out more!

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